School Uniform
Presentation and feeling proud are important life skills which build a child’s confidence. It is important for your child to feel fully prepared, organised and well equipped for their day ahead.
Our uniform is:
- Burgundy School sweatshirts or cardigans
- Pale blue shirts, blouses or polo shirts
- Grey trousers, shorts, skirts or pinafore dress
- Sensible black school shoes for inside
- Trainers/wellies/shoes for outside depending on weather
- Appropriate coat/waterproofs depending on weather
- Grey, white or black socks, or grey/burgundy tights
P.E kits
- Black shorts and a plain white T-shirt/polo shirt & pumps
- Trainers, black track suit
Jewellery, hair and make up
- Children should not wear jewellery to school.
- If your child has pierced ears ‘studs’ must be worn on school days and these must be removed for PE
- Children should not wear nail varnish / make up to school
- Long hair must be tied back and hair accessories need to match the school colours
- Reception, Year 1 and 2 can bring a ‘Knayton C of E Academy’ book bag
- Year 3, 4, 5 and 6 can bring a small school bag/rucksack
- Drawstring P.E bag
- Pencil Cases and stationary are not needed in school
To prevent missing uniform all clothing should be named. Please name all items clearly, for they do sometimes go astray! There are lost property boxes in classrooms. If your child will loses an item of clothing please ask their teacher.
To order uniform direct from our supplier, please visit